Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lab 4

1. What is a program?
A program is a set of instructions that are grouped together to accomplish a task or tasks. The instructions, called machine code or assembly code consist of things like reading and writing memory, arithmetic operations, and comparisons. (

2. A hard disk is commonly used to store what two things? The hard disk stores large programs and data files.

Lab 4

1. What is a program?
A program is a set of instructions that are grouped together to accomplish a task or tasks. The instructions, called machine code or assembly code consist of things like reading and writing memory, arithmetic operations, and comparisons. (

2. A hard disk is commonly used to store what two things? The hard disk stores large programs and data files.

Lab 4

1. What is a program?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lab 2

1. The most popular web browser according to statistics is Internet Explorer, although Mozilla Firefox is rising in statistics and has become quite popular.

Source: - 37k -

2. The bandwidth(maximum speed) of the network I am on(Yahoo) is:
Download speed: 9901 kilobits per second Test details: 8354 kilobytes downloaded in 6.75 seconds.

I found this information on: and I clicked on bandwidth test and the results came in a number of seconds.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Appal Cart

Beware of the Appal Cart and where it drops you off. You may end up in a near by alley not knowing where you are in freezing temperatures. Steps to avoid this mishap are: Be prepared! Dress warm have a quick to go snack in case you might be stuck for days in such cold temperatures, know the exact route to which you are wanting to ride, know the starting point and ending point of the overall trip, have a bus scheldule with you at all times, and know the time the Appal Cart arrives and allott yourself 5 minutes in case it is running early on such occasions. All of these steps will ensure ones' safety and success in reaching their chosen destination. I myself wish I had known these quick survival steps in stepping foot on the Appal Cart and maybe I would have reached my chosen destination without having to walk in an alley way and crossing major highways. I mean sure the Appal Cart is a good thing if you know how to work it. New comers should think twice before they step foot on it. Once familar with all of the Appal Cart steps one can ride the Appal Cart care free and enjoy the smooth ride to their specific destination.

Happy Trails!